Chatbot design examples
Chatbot design examples

chatbot design examples

The general consensus was that robots can deal with that and make the user experience better, and give us more resources to concentrate on improving the technology side of ‘experience’. When we looked at some of the staff employed by the company most were tech engineers, and few were UX designers or customer service reps. The company (not named for requested privacy reasons) weren’t alone in their approach, as they genuinely thought they were improving their service, only to find when we looked into testing that experience that many lost sales were because potential customers were fed up of dealing with the very robotic sales tactics. This project needed to take a much deeper look at the service and system design elements within the company. Technology allowed it and previous call centre and phone responses were even more inefficient. You can understand why this system came to be. It can end up posing like it’s a good user experience to be ‘directed to the right place’ but more often than not it’s just a frustrating waste of time as all you really want is a number or a direct contact to solve a problem, without having to spend ages either waiting on an answer or reading through everything there is in FAQs and still find you are getting nowhere. The chatbox experience assumes you have all the time in the world to read through every |FAQ and find out your solution, but most likely you still need to speak to someone anyway regarding a delivery, sale or technical aspect you might be having. Modern websites think this is a good solution as it saves them labour costs on having call centres (who generally can only deal with the bare minimum of enquiries anyway). You need to get through to someone, a human, but all channels on the website are directed towards email or chatbox FAQs. This has become the case with lots of online companies these days who rely too much on chatbots to ‘answer’ questions of users and potential customers. It’s easy to think technology can solve communication channels, considering how easily we can chat to someone on social media these days, but new bells and whistles can also create the ‘rabbit in headlights’ approach of ‘ooh, what’s that, let’s try it’. The Background – The Problem With Relying On Chatbots


  • Why The Future Needs To Be Chatbot Free.
  • A Solution To Fixing Broken System Design & Technology Reliance.
  • chatbot design examples

    Researching Better Ways To Improve System Design & Human Communication.The Background – The Problem With Relying On Chatbots.

    Chatbot design examples